Intern at Urban Hijau

“The greatest change we need to make is from consumption to production, even if on a small scale, in our own gardens. If only 10% of us do this, there is enough for everyone.” ― Bill Mollison

Tons of food imported to Malaysia yearly.

Malaysia is almost 80% urban. Yet most of the urbanites do not know how to grow food. While the urban youth show promising interest in learning to farm and produce, most still do not know where to start. 

Our specifically designed internship programs are meant to get participants grounded from bottom up and learn along the way. 

If you are keen to participate in the journey, connect with us by filling up the form. 

Previous Interns

We have been very fortunate to have so many young and energetic individuals who have helped develop our farm with us over the years. A special Thank You to all of you.

As one of our friends Dr Adi like to say, “Make your stand where you stand!”

By joining the farm and participating in real hands – on work that is required to produce – is making a stand

And doing so in a way that is sustainable, good for earth, good for  us as a physical and mental therapy and so much more in our relationship with earth and people.

“If it can’t be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, refinished, resold, recycled or composted, then it should be restricted, redesigned or removed from production.”

― Pete Seeger

How to join the internship program

We are always looking for passionate and responsible candidates for the positions based on our schedule. Below we explain some of the pathways we open to regularly.

Farm Apprentice (Full time - 6 months)

Execute various farm processes, including composting, aquaponics management, greenhouse management and other systems in line with our permaculture philosophy

Sales Intern (Full time - 3 to 6 months)

Oversee harvesting of produce, preparing orders and weekly Sunday Market and overall customer engagement

Execute various farm processes, including composting, aquaponics, greenhouse, and other system, in line with our permaculture philosophy

Volunteer (Part time - 3 months)

Assist in farm tasks, including harvesting, compost turning and planting on weekly basis.

Want to help from home?

Even though most of the members of our farm don’t like to sit in the office things need to get done that can only be done while sitting focused on the computer. 

Similarly if some of the people cannot come to the farm directly to help out there are options where they can work from home most of the time and only visit the farm in a planned format occasionally.

Some of the tasks that can be done from home include:

  • Graphics Design
  • Video Editing etc.
  • Website maintenance and upgrades
  • Research

Connect with us and share what experiences you have to make this a reality if interested. 

Details of work at the farm

What do we do at the farm?

  • Seeding?
  • Harvesting produce?

Many people who come sometimes think that is all we do. But the truth is that a farm is like life. There are always a 1000 other things to do. 

Especially a farm like ours with its various integrations and research and development that we do. 

If there is one thing that we want all our volunteers and interns to know is how to build soil!

So we mostly get the people started with making compost. 


Besides that we also let them participate in various projects at hand which may range from time to time based on current focus of the team. Some of the activities include:

  • Soil Mixing
  • Seeding
  • Transplanting
  • Harvesting
  • Weeding
  • Cleaning up
  • Pruning
  • Digging and earth work

There are many other project that may need extra specialized skills which depend on participants capacity and time available. 

Join Urban Hijau now!